this to author. Hit any key.. Please reportErrordisk in and hit any key.Disk Drive not ready. Putdisk. Hit any key when ready.File not found. Try anotherany key to continueAlt/X = exit to DOSAlt/M = main menuF3 = this informationF2 = chapter contents>> F1 = enter screen number directly>> '+','-',PgUp,PgDn = forward/backward 1 screenScreens may be changed in 2 ways:General Instructions:last page in chapter Null value won't work _ Enter page number:Exit to DOS? (Y/N)Nnmit.exegoing to main menuYyReturn to Main Menu? (Y/N)_ b:F1=Enter Screen Number. Space Bar=Screen 1.>>>ACOUSTICS<<<prelude.exe(400 Hz)1/4 Length (300 Hz)1/3 LENGTH(200 Hz)Half Length(100 Hz)Whole Lengthcomplete cycles1 complete cycleMaximum (-) displacementMaximum (+) displacementLine of rest11Any key to stop...#.###### FREQUENCY= 440INCREMENT=end of chapter8 = octave7 = 12.5 cents (32nd-tone)6 = 25 cents (sixteenth-tone)5 = perfect 5th4 = 50 cents (quarter-tone)3 = minor 3rd2 = major 2nd1 = half-step0=No changeEnter 0-8 to change increment (default is 0). Hit 'A' for 440 Hz.Use Up/Dn Arrows to play frequency, from initial 440 Hz.Frequency SweepADSRRELEASESUSTAINREVERSE BELL ENVELOPE<RETURN> for moreBELL ENVELOPEDECAYATTACK44mMHIT 'M'SAWTOOTHTRIANGLESQUARESINE440 hz.385 hz.330 hz.275 hz.220 hz.165 hz.110 hz.440 hz385 hz330 hz275 hz220 hz165 hz110 hz440 Hz.385 Hz.330 Hz.275 Hz.220 Hz.165 Hz.110 Hz.440 Hz385 Hz330 Hz275 Hz220 Hz165 Hz110 Hz385330275165HARMONIC 8 -HARMONIC 7 -HARMONIC 6 -HARMONIC 5 -HARMONIC 4 -HARMONIC 3 -HARMONIC 2 -101214161820Wrong. To try again hit 'A'. For answer, hit '?'?FUNDAMENTAL - 55 Hz8HZHzEXAMPLE 7EXAMPLE 6EXAMPLE 5EXAMPLE 4EXAMPLE 3EXAMPLE 2EXAMPLE 1 7654321interference patternThe overlapping lines form an overall pattern. This is thewould look like if it were generating a sine tone.single string's vibration over its entire length--what the stringThe back and forth motion shown on p.11 represents the action of a####50at the same pitch.simply create a louder soundgreater displacement wouldfrequency is the same. TheNote that in each case theAMPLITUDE 3AMPLITUDE 2AMPLITUDE 1non-periodic vibration, which does not produce a clear tone.You can see that there is no regularly recurring pattern here. This is 440.00mb###.##mf Out of range. Any key to continue.NUMBER OF CENTS PER INCREMENT:mb t120 o2 l16 aa#b>cc#dd#eff#gg#a a-gg-fee-dd-c<bb-amb t120 o2 l4 ab>c#def#g#ahHRIGHT. (3)1040*2=2080, (4)2080*2=4160.THE PROPER ANSWER IS 4160 Hz. THIS IS (1)260*2=520, (2)520*2=1040,SORRY. ONCE MORE.WRONG. TRY AGAIN.4160 Hzbut for now we'll use 260). The highest note on a standard piano is 4 octaves above this. What is the frequency of the highest note on the piano?now the problem is this: Middle C is 260 Hz. (more exactly 261.6, called 'Middle C.' There will be more discussion about this later. ForHere's a related problem. A very important note in music nomenclature is***PROBLEM 2***'R' when ready for 2nd problemRIGHT! (1)440/2=220, (2)220/2=110, (3)110/2=55, (4)55/110=27.5THIRD TIME AND YOU'RE OUT. THE ANSWER IS 27.5 Hz.WRONG AGAIN. ONE MORE CHANCE. SORRY, THAT IS NOT CORRECT. TRY AGAIN.ZAza.27.5 HzANSWER:'Hz' (That's capital H, small z)standard piano. What is the frequency of this lowest note? IncludeThis is a frequency which is 4 octaves above the lowest note on aAs mentioned earlier, the international tuning standard is 440 Hz.PROBLEM 1rR4 octaves - 16:1Note that the ratio for 2 octaves is 4:1, for 3 octaves - 8:1, and16:18:116008004002001004:1 1102202:1-- 440MBMFoutside allowable range9 _eEEnter frequency (no commas):data and allow another entry. [440 Hz. is the default frequency.]computer is 37 Hz to 15000 Hz. Pressing E again will clear enteredPress <RETURN> after typing in data. The allowable range for this.Two CyclesOne Cycle0-=+sound.mnusound.txtloading text...soundy